We worked hard last week and prepared a little thank you gift for our parents.
The table was set...
and the food was lovingly prepared.
The children made the menu themselves!
At the top of the list was spaghetti, hot wings, corn, beans, cookies, punch, fruit and lots more.
Truthfully, the only things requested that we didn't provide were the strawberry soup and peach oatmeal.
For a craft, we worked together to make our own turkeys.
If you think that no 2 snowflakes are the same, you should see our turkeys!
Each child listed what they were thankful for and we helped them write it on the turkeys feathers.
Our list ranged from collards to "the safety of the sharks". You really do have to love their sweet spirits.
I am thankful for all of these sweet babies!
Our party host and hostesses did a wonderful job.
Time to go!
As we found our place to sit, we got to color on the tablecloth!
This makes waiting SO much easier.
We shared a blessing together,
and enjoyed all of the delicious food.
We ended the party with a do-it-yourself turkey rice crispy treat.
The most exciting part of the day was when Ms. Kia joined us for lunch!
She is the librarian that works with us each month. Last week the children invited her by mouth to attend. Yesterday we made it official with a hand-written invitation.
It went like this...
Ms. Kia, you are beautiful. We love you.
Will you come to our feast?
We are having spaghetti and hot wings.
We hope to see you soon!
We were so excited that she could attend. Thank you Ms. Kia for being so special to our boys and girls!