Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hot Chocolate Is for Sale!

It started with a box and a cold day!  

So cold that we needed to find a way to warm up!

We decided to open a hot chocolate stand!  Everyone got busy setting things up.
These girls painted snowflakes on the fresh coat of white paint.

 Then we decided that we needed some sinage so that people would know what was for sale. G wrote, "HCIFSLL"  Hot Chocolate Is For Sale

F wrote his own sign too!  It is so rewarding to see these little ones realize that they can write, and that their writing conveys a message!

Time to Open!

We almost sold out on the first day.

F decided that we needed to say how much the cups would cost, so he added the sign that says 18 cents.  This was a perfect teachable moment to review how we write teen numbers.  This learning that we do embedded in play, is the very best of all!

Happy Customer!

Our menu stated that we had peppermints, but we didn't.

Not to worry. these girls got busy making up a batch in the art center.  

By the end of this play, over a week, we were all warmed up and ready for the snow!