Saturday, September 10, 2016

Open House Ready!

Open House is all about setting the stage for a great year at preschool.  Each year we plan 9-10 activities that families complete together.  Putting this in the form of a scavenger hunt provides structure to the event and helps us stay organized.  We think it is the perfect way to kick off our  preschool adventure! Our goal is that families will work together to accomplish the tasks, have fun together, and at the end of our time together both child and parent will be comfortable with their new learning setting. 

All 3 classes take part in similar scavenger hunts.  This post is specific to our 4s program.


#1  Sorting Supplies.  
We love that our 4s are ready to be big helpers!  
Sorting supplies gives them ownership of their new classroom and materials!

#2  Time to Play!
Find the Play-doh center and your own cup cup of Play-doh!

Time together at the play-doh table is a sweet reminder of the importance of PLAY in the classroom!

#4 Back Pack Glyph
Children work with their families to create a back pack that tells all about them!
The back pack is their favorite color, the pocket color tells if they are a boy or girl.  The number of crayons signifies their age, and the presence of glue or scissors shows if they like school or not.

#5 Sunshine Bags
Mrs. Lesley helped each child place their hand prints on their school bags in the shape of a sunshine.
This special time with her allows the children to get to know the second teacher in our room!

#6 Find your cubby!
It is so much fun to have your own space at preschool.  Here we keep our bags and coats and other fun things that come to school with us.

#7 Visit the Butterfly Garden

Our new butterfly garden is already buzzing with activity!

Look who moved in!  
We have the whole life cycle going on, eggs, caterpillars, butterflies and a chrysalis!

#8 Get your Homework
There is nothing quite like a super organized notebook to start the year!  
Calendars, homework for kids and parents, and notes galore fill these all important organizational tools.

#9 Picture Time
Our "Happy Camper" were all smiles for back-to-school pictures.  We use these pictures all year as we make classmade books, sign-in sheets, picture directories, and many other literacy activities.