Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mother's Day Tea for our 4s

Our 4s were a big help as we prepared for out Mother's Day Tea Parties.
They folded the napkins...

Swept the path...

Set the table...

and did a once over to make sure it was all perfect!

While the moms enjoyed their "tea", and a very special guest speaker, the boys and girls got ready to present them with their gifts.  

Each one made a pillow with a nest hand-print and just the right amount of birds to represent their family.  

They were SO proud of themselves!

Lots of hugs and kisses to go around.

It was a great day to share with our school family.

Finally, we entertained the moms with 2 sweet songs!
Just a small way to show our appreciation for our moms and thank them for sharing their children with us!

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