Friday, November 4, 2011

"G" is for Glitter!

Today our 3s continued their letter work with "G". "G" is for glitter, glue, and great helpers! The alphabet on my refrigerator is growing, and we are loving it! This is the latest installment...

This week we repeated a process that we used last week, when "F" was for feathers. I diluted glue, placed it in the middle of the table, and gave each child access to a paint brush.
Because the children were familiar with the process, they were able to be very independent with this activity.
After each "G" was covered with glue, the child selected a tube of glitter. They sprinkled glitter all over their letters! They did such an awesome job managing their materials, and keeping the glitter on their trays.
None the less, this little fellow noticed that we needed to do a little extra cleaning. With no prompting from me, he went over to the sand table and got the sweeper. It was super sweet, and I made a BIG deal about it, then this happened...
Everyone got inspired to help! What good citizens, and great friends. This project was a great example of valuing the process over the product. The glitter "G"s did not turn out exactly like I thought they would, but the process of creating them exceeded my expectations. The children gained and demonstrated independence with 3 new tools, they worked collaboratively, and showed their care for our classroom by helping keep it clean. Most of all, the "G"s are their work. I had very little to do with the product, which isn't it really how it should be?!

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